Terms of Service
Visit Lake Korpijärvi website
Created: 30.6.2019
Last updated: 30.6.2019
These Terms of Service apply only to this website.
By using this website you agree to be bound by these Terms of Service. If you do not wish to accept these Terms of Service, please do not use this website at all.
Site usage
The content of this site may be used provided that the site’s copyright is respected.
The material on this site may not be edited, reproduced, or publicly displayed or distributed for public or commercial purposes without the permission of the site owner.
Ownership and copyrights of the material on the site are provided Tommolansalmi Holiday Centre and by companies and photographers who have provided images and content to the site.
The site logo may not be used in other contexts without the permission of Tommolansalmi Holiday Centre.
The site owner strives to ensure that the content of the site is correct and up to date. However, the owner is not responsible for the accuracy or inaccuracy of any information or content contained on this site, any potential security issues on the site, and is not responsible for any direct or indirect damages to the user.
The site owner reserves the right to make changes to the content and site at any time.
Links to other websites
This site may contain links to third-party sites. When you access these sites through links, the terms of use of that site apply to these sites.
The site owner is not responsible for incorrect linking to third-party web sites or third-party websites, which can be reached via links and is not responsible for any direct or indirect damage to the user when the user is using these third-party sites. The user will move to these third-party sites entirely at his own risk.
Links to this site
Other sites can link to this site. However, the content of this site may not be copied to other sites. When making a link, you must ensure that the information you provide on this link is correct. For more information on linking, please contact the site owner.
Other terms and conditions
This site has been built in Finland and is maintained on a Finnish server (Suomen Hostingpalvelu Oy’s server). The site owner is not responsible for the operation of the site in Finland or abroad.
The site owner may change these terms of use at any time.
Site owner and contact person for terms of use
Eeva Leskinen
Tommolansalmi Holiday Centre
Business ID: FI03003960
Kouvolantie 2216
52700 Mäntyharju
Tfn.: +358 400 754 835
E-mail: info (at) tommolansalmi.fi